Feb 22, 2017 10:19:00 AM | 4 Min Read

Assisted Living Facilities Vs Nursing Homes: What You Need to Know

Posted By Vista Springs
Assisted Living Facilities Vs Nursing Homes: What You Need to Know

When the subject of moving an aging loved one out of their home arises, many people hear the term nursing home and are immediately on guard. What they don’t realize is that most people do not need a nursing home, what they may need is an assisted living facility.

A nursing home is a facility meant to care for people who are unable to care for themselves properly. But, for many, this is just not the case. Often, our loved ones are more than capable of taking care of themselves; they just might be looking to scale back or simplify their lives by moving somewhere where specific aspects of their lives are taken care of.

Enter, assisted living.

Assisted living facilities provide care as needed. They provide a safe and secure environment where your loved one is a resident, not a patient. A community member, living a full life.

Here are some key differences between a nursing home and an assisted living facility.

Homey Accommodations

In an assisted living facility, your room mirrors a cruise ship cabin or a cozy resort, never a sterile hospital room. Since medical care is only a small part of what is offered in assisted living facilities, the nurse's stations are dotted throughout the facility, tucked subtly into corners, and the rooms and hallways resemble neighborhoods and homes.

Outings and Activities

As most residents of assisted living facilities are active members of their communities, their activities are encouraged and often organized by the facility itself. Activities within the community offer convenience and outings organized by the staff provide the opportunity to engage with the community but also keep things simple. And, often, residents are encouraged to utilize public transit or personal transportation to get out on their own.

Community Involvement

Most facilities, such as Vista Springs, offer residents the opportunity to be involved and have a say in what goes on in their community. Community Councils are organized so that residents can not only socialize with one another but also voice their opinions and share thoughts regarding their home.

Don’t Give Up the Everyday

The activities that keep our loved ones busy every day are the same activities they are afraid of giving up if they leave their home or neighborhood. But with so many assisted living communities providing everyday services, they don’t have to. Within assisted living, they’ll often find beauty salons, libraries, personal mailboxes, wine nights, happy hours, spa services, adult education, and more.

Assisted Living Centers are “Full of Life”

As an assisted living facility, Vista Springs focuses on a “Full of Life” approach. Independence isn’t taken away from residents but enhanced through programming and activities that stimulate the mind and spirit.

As our loved ones change, so do their needs. But, one thing that won’t change is their need for independence. Assisted living lets your loved ones keep their independence while offering peace of mind for both the resident and their family.


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