Jun 12, 2017 10:02:19 AM | 4 Min Read

5 Things Assisted Living Communities Do For You

Posted By Vista Springs
5 Things Assisted Living Communities Do For You

 Summertime means barbecues, lake trips and fun in the sun with family and friends but it can also mean lawn mowing, weed pulling, bug killing and other (not so fun) tasks to keep your home or yard in shape. While they are not fun for anyone, for aging adults these tasks can become increasingly difficult. Moving to an assisted living community can mean exchanging tedious and arduous home tasks for simply enjoying everything the summer has to offer.

What do you give up when you choose an assisted living community? Things you don’t want to be doing anyway.  

Home Maintenance

 Never change a light bulb again. Don’t worry about that leaky faucet and definitely don’t climb up on that ladder to clean the gutters. All the stuff you dread doing around the house, repairs, cleaning, leaky faucets, is taken care of when you live in a retirement community with a full of life focus.

Plan Trips & Activities

It’s great to take trips; it’s not always great to plan them. The effort of searching for something to do, researching parking, finding food in the area and figuring out transportation can often take away the joy of visiting a new place. So, let someone else plan the logistics for you while you simply tag along for the fun. No driving, no parking, no fighting traffic, just a good time.

Watch Your House While You’re Gone

If it’s always been your dream to travel in your retirement years, you don’t want to be burdened by the requirements of home ownership. Leaving a home behind for extended periods means keeping it safe and locked up, planning for yard maintenance while you’re away and worrying about what might happen while it’s empty. If you’re traveling during the winter, it’s your responsibility to keep your sidewalks clear, and snow build up on your home can often cause damage if not tended to immediately. When you’re traveling, you want to enjoy your time away. When you live in a community like Vista Springs, your home is taken care of, no matter where are.


An elaborate meal tastes great, but the before and after can be tedious. Preparation can take hours and doing the dishes sometimes makes the meal more of a hassle than a reward. A luxury living community means a variety of exciting, healthy meals that you can enjoy with friends or family, without the hassle of preparation or cleanup.

Yard Work

From raking to snow shoveling, yard work can take it’s toll on your back and joints and can make owning a home as you age a painful burden. Rather than paying a neighbor kid to shovel the sidewalk every time it snows or watching the leaves pile up while you dread getting out the rake, depend on your community to create and take care of a lush and beautiful landscape.


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